Tag Archives: Bialowieza forest

Prince Charles in Podlasie

Yesterday Prince Charles visited Podlasie, more specifically he went to Bialowieza National Park and to a small town, Kruszyniany, to visit the Tartars. You can see a slide show of his visit here. At the Park, he learned more about the last primeval forest in Europe and its role in helping save the bison, Europe’s largest mammal. There are efforts to include more of Bialowieza Forest in the National Park Reserve, and so Prince Charles was asked to be the Park’s ambassador, to which according to the daily Gazeta Wyborcza he agreed.

In Kruszyniany, he visited the local mosque and was treated to local specialties: pierekaczewnik (a Tatar specialty with pasta dough and meat filling), pieremiacze, bliny, kołduny and drożdżówka (a sweet cake made of flour, yeast, milk, and sugar). All that was embellished with a Tartar dance show performed by the youth group Buńczuk.

The newspaper reporter overheard a woman saying the following: “Camilla isn’t coming. On TV they said her back hurts. But perhaps it’s not surprising,  since we know that Podlasie is for tough women, not princesses.”

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